Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Pet Care Ebooks

Dear Cats and Dogs,
Baron and I have received numerous emails from cats and dogs requesting we provide information to their humans about pet care ebooks.  It seems that humans, well-intentioned though they may be, are in serious need of help when it comes to learning about:
  • How to Get Rid of Fleas
  • Housetraining a Puppy (Or a "poopy" as we like to call them.)
  • Training a Cat (Yeah right.  Like that can happen.)
  • Dog Grooming
  • And many other pet care ebook topics
Here's an email we received just last week.
Dear Jester and Baron,
Could you please explain to my humans that it is in my nature to jump up on kitchen counters?  Thousands and thousands of years of genetic programming have made me this way.  No matter how many times my humans yell, "MOVE AWAY FROM THE SALMON!!!!" I won't move.  I just can't.  Now, if they were to squirt me with a water bottle, that might be another story.
Cat TestimonialBuffy L. - Indianapolis, IN
P.S.  Go Colts!

We hope you can convince your humans to take a look at these pet care ebooks.  But, remember.  All we can do is provide the links.  You can lead a human to an ebook but you cannot make him read.  Good luck and let us know how it goes for you.

Jester, Director of Cat Stuff and Baron, Director of Dog Stuff at

Monday, January 11, 2010

How to Build Your Own Cat Condo

Learning how to build your own cat condo is as easy as "1-2-3 I'm moving into my own crib" with the "Best Cat Trees" ebook.  If your human significant other has insinuated that you've become a cover hog during the unprecedented cold this winter, or if he or she is upset with your use of the chair for your weekly mani-pedi,  now is the time to purchase this book.  While the purchase of cat condo plans and the actual building of your cat condo may not qualify you or your human significant other for the $8,000 first-time home buyer federal tax credit, it doesn't hurt to try.  You can always write to your congressperson and request that this inequity be taken up in the next session of congress.  But I digress.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Whisker Gifters Tuesday Treat Haiku - Merrick Flossies

Is that a Merrick
Flossie in your pocket or
are you glad to see me?

OK, so my haiku is one syllable too long.  But, Merrick Flossies ship FREE at  Happy chewing!

Director of Dog Stuff

Monday, January 4, 2010

Birthday Parties for Dogs

If you're thinking of throwing a birthday party for yourself or a friend, be sure to read my "Five Tips for a Great Dog Birthday Party" first.  They're sure to help you have the best dog birthday party possible.

1) Birthday Parties for Dogs: Preparing the Guest List
As a dog birthday party planner, I’m often asked to help prepare the guest list.  It should come as no surprise that I always recommend inviting friends with money since they usually bring the best gifts.  If you and your human significant others are considering inviting children, my advice would be not to.  Children are noisy.  They will also compete for attention and may try to eat your cake.  If someone is trying to convince you to invite cats to your birthday party, my advice again would be no.  I’ve heard too many horror stories of catnip-spiked bully sticks.