"A Day in the Life of a Squirrel"
By Lucky E., St. Petersburg, FL
Hi Jester,
Lucky the squirrel here. I've been very fortunate to live in several trees at my current residence. My foster parents are loving people who leave nuts out for me. I also forage around the yard, but the pistachios are my favorite meal of the day.
I've had a brood of little ones and they enjoy the yard also. We pretty much ignore the lizards and birds. We definitely stay out of the way of the family of black snakes that reside beneath one of the trees. There is plenty of food all year long between the tangerine tree and vegetable garden my foster parents keep (woops, don't tell them I've been in there).
Unfortunately the gentleman who lives next door to my foster parents doesn't like squirrels and sets traps out weekly. I've only been caught once and I'm happy to say he's kind enough to let us squirrels loose at a nature preserve not far from my home. Please don't tell him how easy it is to get back home (that will be our little secret).
Life is good...

Lucky E., St. Petersburg, FL - Fearing retribution from his foster parents for his escapades in the tangerine tree and vegetable garden, Lucky E. felt it best not to provide any personal details or a real photo. Many thanks to FreeDigitalPhotos.net for helping keep Lucky E.'s identity safe.
Jester and I want to thank Lucky E. for his column today. It's a brave squirrel who lives near snakes and a neighbor with a trap. Now that I know some of the trials and tribulations of a squirrel's life, I will be less inclined to chase them about the yard. (Less inclined doesn't mean I have to stop completely, does it?)
Upcoming Guest Columnist Schedule
- Tuesday, June 30: Lila M., New York, NY tells us about her adjustment from shelter life on Long Island to apartment living in Manhattan.
- Wednesday, July 1: Minnie M., Tampa, FL regales us with her formerly feral wittiness.
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